In the West common colds and influenza are usually blamed on viruses, and Western herbal treatment focuses on antiviral remedies. Before the discovery of viruses, earlier generations blamed an assortment of "venoms" or magical "evils" for sudden colds and this is similar to the traditional Chinese approach, where the six "external evils" of cold, heat or "summer heat," fire, wind, damp, and dryness are seen as the prime causes of superficial or "external" diseases. These "evils" are more successful when the Wei Qi (defense Qi) is weak. Common colds are generally blamed on "wind-cold" or "wind-heat evils," with chilliness and an absence of sweating suggesting a "cold" problem, while fever and thirst indicate a "heat" problem. Warming or cooling herbs are used as appropriate. In ayurveda the common cold is usually associated with a surfeit of kapha (phlegm), due to seasonal weather or the result of eating too many kapha-forming foods. Treatment is through a kapha lowering diet with plenty of whole grains and steamed vegetables, supported by warm, spicy herbs to encourage sweating. Occasionally excess pitta or vata is blamed (as with the Chinese concept of wind-heat) and then cooling, moistening remedies are chosen.
Herbs that may be helpful:
Safe and natural remedy containing herbal ingredients:
Herbs that may be helpful:
Safe and natural remedy containing herbal ingredients:
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