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Mouth Problems

<data:blog.pageTitle/> <data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/> Problems of the mouth, such as gum disease and aphthous ulcers (stomatitis), are usually blamed :

  • in the West, on either infection or poor diet: excess sugars and poor dental hygiene can create an environment where fungi and bacteria flourish, leading to an increase risk of infection. Treatment generally focuses on antimicrobial herbs such as echinacea.

  • In Chinese medicine the mouth is closely linked with the spleen and the stomach, so any weakness or poor condition in the mouth area is likely to be seen as a symptom of deficient spleen energy or of inadequate digestive function. Other oral conditions are generally blamed on an imbalance accurring elsewhere in the body: dry mouth and gums, for example, may suggest that "excess stomach heat" is drying essential body fluids, while bleedin! gums may imply that there is an "upward flaring of stomach heat." Chinese treatments therefore usually focus on digestive herbs in order to strengthen and normalize both the spleen and stomach function.

  • In ayurveda bleeding gums and mouth inflammations are similarly linked to heat - in this case to excess pitta. Remedies usually feature either astringent or cooling herbs, such as myrrh, while sesame oil is routinely rubbed into the gums in order to strengthen the tissue in this area.

Herbs that may be helpful:
  • Echinacea SPP. | Echinacea
  • Salvia Officinalis | Sage
  • Commiphora Molmol | Myrrh | Mo Yao | bola
  • Agrimonia SPP. | Agrimony | Xian He Cao
  • Rubus SPP. | Raspberry | Fu Pen Zi
  • Commiphora Mukul | Guggul | Guggula
  • Rosmarinus Officinalis | Rosemary
  • Calendula Officinalis | Marigold

Safe and natural remedy containing herbal ingredients:


Provides complete and effective immune system support


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The aerial parts of herbs (leaves, flowers, and stems) can easily be made into teas or tisanes by infusing them in water. The usual Western approach is to use 10z/25g of dried herb to 1pt/500ml of water that is just off the boil. Infuse the mix for ten minutes, then strain and drink in three equal wine-glass or cup doses during the day. The infusion should be stored in a pitcher, covered, in a cool place and used within 24 hours. Alternatively, use 1-2tsp of the dried herb per cup and make a dose at a time. If using fresh herbs, three times as much plant material (i.e. 3az/75g) is needed. For cold infusions, see macerations below.


Herbal roots, berries, and barks need to be made into decoctions to extract the active ingredients. The usual Western dose is 1 Oz/25g of dried root to l 1/2pt/ 750ml of water, simmered in a stainless-steel or enamel saucepan until-the volume has reduced by about one-third, then strained. Stare in a pitcher in a cool place and use in three wine-glass doses during the day, reheating it if preferred. Decoctions may be flavored with a little honey.


Some herbs, such as Valerian and marshmallow root, are best macerated in cold water. Use the same proportions as for an infusion and simply leave the mixture in a cool place overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture and use as an infusion.